Dry Ridge/Dry Verge Systems
Dry Verge & Ridge Dry verge and dry-fix ridge Dry ridge systems are beneficial for a number of reasons, not least because they are virtually maintenance-free. Dry ridge is also quick to install and has lasting benefits for your wallet and the safety of your home. What is dry ridge? A dry ridge system results from mechanically fixing ridge tiles to the ridge of a roof in the absence of mortar. There are a few different methods within dry fix itself; however, the most popular is ridge roll ventilation.
This particular procedure involves covering the roof batten with ridge ventilation roll and allocating it to the tile or slate. One by one, ridge tiles are installed over this ventilation roll using unions, clamps, screws, washers and clips. This helps to secure it in place across the apex of the roof.
The unions fix the tiles together with a small expansion gap while the clamps are placed between the tiles before being screwed down into the ridge board or batten. Doing this will make the roof windproof and prevent any tiles loosening over time.